exhibition cv contact works



"Trace Trip,Time Capsule T.Y. "

Trace Trip , Time Capsule ( T.Y.) #01 -multiple exposure- / photocopied photos
Photo: OMOTE Nobutada

Trace Trip, Time Capsule was based on a friend’s recollections, photo albums and associated objects (cameras, scale models). The work was created by tracing memories by interviewing the friend, researching old photographs and recollections, visiting scenes of events, and drawing images from the Internet. In the process, perceptions shaped by the wanderings to and fro between recorded fact and recollections, and between imagination and fantasy, once again relapsed into uncertainty, and were expressed in the work as narratives reconstructed and reinterpreted from memory. The work was also an attempt to question the sense of artificiality the artist felt toward reality following the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011, a response to the anxiety felt for an uncertain future, and an attempt to transform the photographs and objects into a work of art that preserves memories in the form of time capsules with possible uses for the “next something.”

Osaki was inspired to create the work when the 2011 earthquake and tsunami prompted fresh thoughts on the Tokai Earthquake, which has been anticipated from about 10 years ago in the Tokai region of Japan, where he currently lives. The Tokai Earthquake, thought to have an 88-percent likelihood of occurrence within the next 30 years, is anticipated to be equal to or even more powerful than the Great East Japan Earthquake. Media broadcasts of the destructive power of the Great East Japan Earthquake—houses crushed to pieces by the tsunami, people looking for washed-away photo albums, and volunteers restoring recovered photographs—inspired Osaki to make his friend’s recollections into a work of art that prompts thoughts on the issues and phenomena relevant to the “next something” that could affect himself and others living in the Tokai region. Osaki approached the task of reflecting on a mega-quake, an insurmountable natural phenomenon, by sublimating, and thereby preserving, personal recollections into a paradigm represented by the artwork. That the work consists of multiple pieces embodies the idea of diversified time capsules kept in readiness for whatever the future has in store.

The method of using a friend’s photo albums and interviews as points of departure involved meandering through an unmapped process of researching, and of compiling the research into a work. When records and recollections were traced, gathered and made to inform an artwork, the process inevitably picks up elements of fiction on the way.

友人の記憶やアルバム写真、それらに関連する物(カメラやミニチュア)などを通して制作された「Trace Trip, Time capsule」。このシリーズは友人へのインタビュー、昔の写真や記憶を元にリサーチを行い、現地に訪れたり、イメージを引用したりしながら記憶を「トレース」するという方法で制作されています。記録と記憶、想像や妄想を行き来しながら紡ぐイメージは再び不確かなものへと回帰し、記憶を再構築、再解釈した物語として表現されます。震災以降、私たちの置かれた未来の「わからない」状況に対する不安感、しかしながらこれら写真や物を通して作品として「記憶」を残すことが「次の何か」の為のタイムカプセルとして機能しえないか、といった試みでもあります。
(個展「T」galerie 16 / 展覧会プレスリリースより、2013年)


Trace Trip , Time Capsule ( T.Y.) #01 -multiple exposure-  2013
video, LCD screen, photocopied photos, camera




Trace Trip, Time Capsule ( T.Y.) #03 -Day trip-  2013
video, projector,side mirror, photocopied photos, minicar, photograph





Trace Trip ( T.Y.) #03-01  2013
52×72cm, photograph




Trace Trip ( T.Y.) #02-02 2013





Trace Trip , Time Capsule ( T.Y.) #02 - Oki・Matsue-  2013
70×135×22cm, drawing, photographs, photocopied photos, agates, board




Trace Trip ( T.Y.) #02-01 2013



Trace Trip( T.Y.) #02 (drawing) / Trace Trip( T.Y.) #03 (drawing)  2013
drawing, photograph, collage on paper




Trace Trip ( T.Y.) #02-01 / Trace Trip ( T.Y.) #03-02  2013
72×92cm, photograph, agates, frame / photograph, minicar, branch, frame





Copied from the photograph of T.Y.'s album



The copyright in these pictures and captions etc, are owened by Nobuyuki OSAKI.
No part of these works may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without the written permission of Nobuyuki OSAKI